Membership Criteria

Advocates for Community Health is Mission-Driven and Member-Focused.

We leverage the power of top-notch advocacy representation in Washington, DC, to carry out strategies to advance the delivery of modern community health care to the underserved and underrepresented. Our membership evaluation process and criteria are designed to ensure that potential members share our vision and commitment to achieving health equity for all.

Join The Cause
Join The Cause

Organizations must meet two of four baseline criteria:

FTE of 300 or More

Budget of at least $30M

Minimum of 40K patients served

A commitment to maintaining integrated service delivery systems

In addition, organization membership will take into account a second set of subjective criteria designed to acknowledge the incredible innovations, relationships, and service base that many organizations maintain as standard operation.

Subjective criteria include:

HRSA Quality Awards

The number of HRSA Quality Awards per year for two or more years, excluding Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) or IT awards.

Integration of Patients Among Service Lines

The percentage of patients who receive care from more than one service line (5%, 15%, 25%), based on C4 founding member statistics.

Presentation and Publication

The number of presentations by staff at national meetings or articles published in peer-reviewed journals (2 or more per calendar year).

Alternative Payment Reimbursement Arrangements

The percentage of patients with more than one payment arrangement (possibly >10% –

Engagement of Pipeline

The establishment of routine training programs with universities, colleges, and hospitals in more than one discipline (possibly 5-10 per calendar year).

Use of Emerging Technology

The percentage of patients receiving services made possible through the use of emerging technology. Examples include E-consults, telemedicine outside the PHE, retinal cameras, and remote patient monitoring (possible threshold of 10-25% of patients).

Equity of Professional Staff

The percentage of professional and/or C-level leadership staff that meet national health center benchmarks for these demographics based on initiator C4 attestation of REaL/SOGI data.

Advocates for Community Health applicants must first and foremost be aligned with our mission and priorities. The application process is designed to ensure we are united in our commitment to bring visionary policy and programming to reality through a robust and aggressive advocacy agenda. The investment for ACH membership is $40,000.
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