Corporate Members & Partners

Advocates for Community Health welcomes corporate membership and sponsors with organizations that share our values and support our mission.

ACH’s corporate members span different industries but with a shared commitment to innovating and transforming health care, and alignment with ACH policy priorities. ACH’s list of corporate members is small by design to foster close relationships and drive impact.

Our core corporate membership level has a cost of $30,000 annually. Please download our Corporate Membership Package for a full list of corporate membership benefits including:

  • High-visibility communications reaching ACH members and the public
  • Customizable contributions to impactful in-person and virtual programming
  • Personalized relationship building
  • Opportunity to expand base corporate membership into larger, customizable partnership with tailored activities.
For corporations interested in sponsorship of specific programming or events, ACH offers multiple levels of engagement. As a corporate sponsor, you would have special access to our community of CEOs, senior leadership, physicians, health care providers, and policy professionals. Costs and recognition options vary. Please contact our Chief Executive Officer Amanda Pears Kelly to learn more about the mutual benefits of a corporate partnership with Advocates for Community Health.
Corporate Membership Package
Corporate Membership Package

Thank you to our Corporate Members!

Are you ready to join ACH in creating the healthcare system of the future? Fill out the Corporate Membership application below to get started.

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