Advocates for Community Health CEO Amanda Pears Kelly told CBS News yesterday: “Even with the best of intentions, these types of funding freezes can do tremendous harm. And could be irreversible to some communities. What we’re really talking about is a health center’s ability to pay salaries.”

Pears Kelly said that health centers often rely on being able to request money every other week through the system, drawing down their grant to pay bills and make payroll for their staff. Without the money, she warned many health centers facing already slim margins could be forced to trim staff or close their doors.

“When the system’s down, and there’s no one to talk to to understand what they need to do, and then on top of that there’s an uncertain time to the delay, it’s paralyzing,” said Pears Kelly.

Read the article on CBS News:

White House blames “outage” for locking out Medicaid, Head Start, health centers from funding site – CBS Texas

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