Advocates for Community Health brings policy agenda focused on health care access across the nation’s health care system.
WASHINGTON – Advocates for Community Health (ACH)—an emerging member-based organization rooted in community health and advocacy—today announced its mission to advance the delivery of health care to underserved populations and achieve health equity for patients and communities in need nationwide. Already 14 members strong and serving more than 1.3 million patients with representation in six states and Puerto Rico, ACH is poised to amplify the voices of forward-thinking community health centers to meaningfully impact federal policy.
“Our vision is a health care system that is centered on health care access,” said Advocates for Community Health Chief Executive Officer Amanda Pears Kelly.
“Community health centers have long been the source of quality, affordable health care for marginalized, underserved populations across our country. As our nation’s leaders reimagine health care access in the wake of a global pandemic, Advocates for Community Health is dedicated to ensuring federal policy mirrors the needs and priorities of community health centers providing lifesaving services to millions.”
Even before the pandemic, health centers in the United States were serving 1 in 11 Americans with 1 in 5 patients identifying as Medicaid beneficiaries or uninsured individuals. These hyper-local healthcare hubs provide services to a multitude of populations, including veterans, students, individuals experiencing homelessness, public housing residents, and agricultural workers.
“COVID-19 has highlighted how critical community health centers are to safeguarding the long-term health of underserved populations, especially in times of crisis,” said ACH Board Chair and Family HealthCare Network Chief Executive Officer Kerry Hydash, MPA.
“Through our focused advocacy efforts, Advocates for Community Health brings a clear vision and smart strategy to designing a policy framework that will support the future of equitable healthcare nationwide. We look forward to working with our members, like-minded strategic partners, and Congressional leaders to further strengthen this country’s crucial network of health centers.”