U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) yesterday introduced the bicameral 340B Pharmaceutical Access To Invest in Essential, Needed Treatments & Support (PATIENTS) Act, legislation that would protect the 340B drug pricing program and ensure patients—especially those in lower income and rural communities—can continue care with providers who utilize the program.

ACH provided the following statement in support of the 340B PATIENTS Act:

“On behalf of our member community health centers, we applaud Senator Welch for sponsoring this important piece of legislation to protect and strengthen the 340B program by codifying 340B providers’ ability to use contract pharmacies to dispense 340B discounted drugs. This legislation would ensure that health centers can have their patients pick up their prescriptions at a local pharmacy and that community health centers can continue providing expanded medical and social services to their communities using their 340B savings,” said Amanda Pears Kelly, Chief Executive Officer of Advocates for Community Health.

Read the full press release.

Read the full text of the bill.

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