Grant Opportunities

As an exclusive benefit to our members, Advocates for Community Health curates a regularly updated list of active and upcoming funding opportunities.

We encourage you to check this page often to find opportunities for your organization. Postings are organized by application due date.


January 2025

Strengthening and Development of Sustainable Regional Public Health and Epidemiological Workforce Capacity through Collaboration, Program Development, and Implementation **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 03]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Jan 03, 2025

Agency: Centers for Disease Control-GHC

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $75,000,000, they expect to grant 3 awards. 


  • The purpose of NOFOs is to address public health workforce (PHW) development needs and strengthen capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to diseases and address public health priorities including outbreaks by strengthening epidemiologic workforce and programs capacity at the regional and country levels.  
  • Awardees will work and collaborate with CDC and other partners to assess PHW needs at region and country levels and develop plans to fill gaps and strengthen existing programs such as the FETP. 
  • Focus will be on Ministries of Health and public health institutions at regional, and country levels. The common goal is to improve surveillance systems, outbreak investigations, disease prevention and response, networking, communication, evaluation, and reporting. There will continue to be strong focus on Field Epidemiology Training Programs as important instruments to strengthen PHW. assist countries in sustaining workforce development programs.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Shana Eatman at 770.488.3933 or with questions.

Notice of Intent to Publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) and Quality of Care Contributors to Cancer Disparities in People with HIV (U01; Clinical Trial Optional) *forecasted* [DEADLINE January 10]


Tag(s): Health equity 

Application Due Date: Jan 10, 2025

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: They expect to grant 4 awards up to $ 500,000.


  • The National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to publish a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to solicit applications seeking to better understand the role of social determinants of health (SDoH) in contributing to or exacerbating cancer disparities and inequalities for people with HIV (PWH) across the cancer care continuum. 
  • The solicited applications may propose research investigating health disparities that span cancer control and health care delivery, spanning screening, diagnosis, treatment, quality of life, and survivorship. 
  • For this NOFO, observational, interventional, and translational research studies are within scope. This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants time to develop responsive projects and meaningful collaborations.  

Applicant Eligibility: The NOFO is expected to be published in fall 2024 with expected application due dates in winter 2025, 2026, and 2027. 

Alcohol Health Services Research (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) [JANUARY 16]

Application Due Date: January 16, 2025

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Direct costs are limited to $450,000 over the R34 project period, with no more than
$225,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. The number of awards is contingent upon
NIH appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.


  • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism solicits applications for an R34 Clinical Trial Optional mechanism focusing on alcohol health services.
  •  This NOFO will broadly focus on closing the treatment gap for individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD); within this focus, there are five major areas of emphasis: (1) increasing access to treatment for AUD, (2) making treatment for AUD more appealing, (3) examining cost structures and insurance systems, (4) conducting studies on
    dissemination and implementation of existing evidence-based approaches to treating AUD, and (5) reducing health disparities as a means of addressing the treatment gap in AUD for health disparity populations.

Additional Information: Contact with questions. More information can be
found here.

Graduate Psychology Education Program **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 16]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Jan 16, 2025 (estimated) 

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $22,800,000, they expect to grant 41 awards. 


  • The purpose of this initiative is to advance the science and implementation of innovative multi-level health care research for older adults from populations that experience health disparities. 
  • The initiative will support research designed to (1) gain a better understanding of appropriate screening, diagnostic, and clinical care guidelines in a primary care setting, (2) explore shared decision-making that is needed to enhance care planning and patient agency between clinicians and care teams with the older adult and their caregiver(s), and (3) identify effective strategies for care coordination.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Courtney Labitzky at 301-443-6752 or with questions.

American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation [DEADLINE JANUARY 17]

Due date: January 17, 2025

Amount: Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to support innovative patient breast care and
patient education and research.


  •  Education: To raise awareness of breast cancer and increase the capabilities of effective patient breast health education programs. Education grants are intended to address costs associated with a project (e.g. purchase of educational materials, brochure development, printing, etc.) and/or expenses related to the development and hosting of an educational meeting or conference.
  • Community outreach: To partner with community-based nonprofit organizations to provide education on breast health and screening to underserved, uninsured and/or low-income populations.
  • Research: Funds may be used for activities necessary to undertake or complete a research project (examples include providing support for ongoing projects, IRB submission fees, clinical research assistance, or statistical support). The project must be specific to patient breast health and/or breast disease.

Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Professionals **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 21]

Tag(s): Workforce
Application Due Date: (estimated) Jan 21, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $59,600,000, they expect to grant 101 awards.
Description: The purpose of the BHWET Program for Professionals is to increase the supply of behavioral health professionals while also improving distribution of a quality behavioral health workforce and thereby increasing access to behavioral health services.
A special focus is placed on the knowledge and understanding of children, adolescents,
and transitional-aged youth at risk for behavioral health disorders.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Miryam Gerdine at 301-443-6752 or with questions.

Changing Health Systems Using Evidence-based interventions to increase Colorectal Cancer Screening **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 22]

Tag(s): Health equity 

Application Due Date: Jan 22, 2025

Agency: Centers for Disease Control – NCCDPHP

Amount: They expect to grant 38 awards up to $900,000. 


  • This announcement funds recipients who will partner with health systems and primary care clinics with low colorectal cancer (CRC) screening prevalence. Recipients will work with their partners to use evidence-based interventions (EBIs) to increase screening in people aged 45 to 75 years old. 
  • The focus is on populations that have low screening prevalence and experience barriers to screening. Partner clinics must have screening prevalence below the national, regional, or local average. Programs should emphasize identifying populations that have lower screening prevalence or clinic sub-populations who may need more support to complete the screening process.  

Applicant Eligibility: Contact April Vance at 404-632-2561 or with questions.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 AmeriCorps State and National Competitive Grants [DEADLINE JANUARY 23]

Tag(s): Health equity 

Application Due Date: Jan 23, 2025

Agency: AmeriCorps

Amount: Award amounts will be different depending on the scope of the projects. AmeriCorps expects a highly competitive AmeriCorps grant competition. Given limited funding, AmeriCorps may prioritize funding existing grantees instead of making new awards. The actual level of funding depends on annual appropriations.


  • AmeriCorps grants are awarded to eligible organizations that engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions to strengthen communities. An AmeriCorps member is a person who does community service through AmeriCorps. Members may receive a living allowance and other benefits. After successful completion of their service, members earn a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award they can use to pay for higher education expenses or apply to qualified student loans.
  • This is a funding opportunity for Institutions of higher education; local governments, school districts; nonprofit organizations; State Service Commissions; States and US Territories; Indian Tribes; and public health departments to apply for AmeriCorps members to strengthen communities through service.
  • For this funding opportunity, AmeriCorps will prioritize consideration from organizations that: 
    • Serve communities with concentrated poverty, rural communities, tribal communities, and historically underrepresented and underserved individuals
    • Implement programs for or expand access to high-quality youth mental health and substance use recovery services and prepare AmeriCorps members to enter behavioral health careers
    • Focus on improving the quality of life for veterans, active-duty members of the Armed Forces
    • Promote environmental stewardship to help communities to be more resilient
    • Support civic bridgebuilding programs and projects to reduce polarization and community divisions
  • All applications must include at least one aligned performance measure, output and outcome, that corresponds to the proposed primary intervention. This may be a National Performance Measure or an applicant-determined measure. For more information, refer to the National Performance Measure Instructions

Applicant Eligibility: Contact with questions. 

Addiction Medicine Fellowship **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 24]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Jan 24, 2025 (estimated) 

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $23,467,500, they expect to grant 29 awards. 


  • The purpose of the Addiction Medicine Fellowship (AMF) Program is to expand the number of fellows at accredited AMF and Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship (APF) programs trained as addiction medicine specialists who work in underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health disorders and substance use disorder prevention and treatment services the fellowship must include training in prevention and treatment services in rural areas that do not have access or have limited access to substance use disorder treatment. 
  • The AMF Program encompasses both psychiatry and an addiction subspecialty for primary care doctors.

Additional Information: Contact Anthony Schlaff, M.D. at 301-443-6752 with questions.

State Rural Health Coordination and Development Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 24]

Tag(s): Workforce, Innovation
Application Due Date: Jan 24, 2025

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 750,000. They expect to grant 1 award.
Description: The purpose of this program is to develop and maintain activities that will build the capacity of the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and rural stakeholders
nationwide through strengthening leadership, increasing opportunities for
collaboration, offering education on policy and emerging health issues, and supporting
the core functions of the SORH to better coordinate and improve rural health services.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Sarah Ndiang’ui at (301)443-0876 or with

Parkinson’s Foundation [DEADLINE JANUARY 31]

Due date: January 31, 2025

Location: National

Amount: Not listed.

Description: The foundation invites applications for its Community Grants program, which aims to
fund community grants that further the health, wellness, and education of people with
Parkinson’s disease (PD) across the country. The foundation funds programs that are
impactful, sustainable, scalable, and measurable. Programs may be new and existing
grant-supported areas and/or pilot programs. All funded organizations and institutions
must demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Programs for the 2025 grant cycle should be geared towards expanding or creating
access for populations of focus and must incorporate at least one of the following focus
areas: address the intersection of mental health and PD, reach and support care
partners of individuals with PD, and educate and deliver exercise programs specifically
designed for people with PD.

Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood [DEADLINE JANUARY 31]

Due date: January 31, 2025 (Letters of Intent)

Location: National

Amount: Applicants request a budget in the LOI. Note that the Foundation will not fund
arbitrary or excessive allocations of indirect expenses even if a project is worthy. The
Foundation’s Board will only approve a maximum of 15% of a project’s direct expenses, when
earmarked as general and/or administrative overhead.

Description: The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood supports development projects and
promising research that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children in the
United States, from infancy through age 7.

The foundation invites letters of intent in the following categories: 1) Parenting
Education, 2) Early Childhood Welfare, 3) Early Childhood Education and Play.

Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry **forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 31]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Jan 31, 2025 (estimated) 

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $13,500,000, they expect to grant 27 awards. 


  • The purpose of the Postdoctoral Training in General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, and Dental Public Health program is to improve access to, and the delivery of, oral health care services for underserved and vulnerable populations. 
  • Grants under this Notice of Funding Opportunity will prepare general, pediatric, and public health dentists to practice in, and lead, new models of oral health care delivery by supporting innovative postdoctoral dental residency and fellowship training programs at community-based organizations.   

Additional Information: Contact Jennifer Holtzman at 301-443-6752 or with questions.

February 2025


RRF Foundation for Aging [Letters of Inquiry Due February 1]

Due: February 1, 2025 (Letters of Inquiry)
Location: National. While nearly half of RRF grants support programs in the Midwest, the
foundation also supports innovative solutions that assist older Americans nationwide.
Amount: Not listed.
Description: The foundation invites applications for its grantmaking program, which aims to improve
the quality of life for older people. To strengthen the foundation’s impact, it has established the following priority areas:

  • Caregiving: Ensuring care partners are informed, well-trained, and supported while providing care to older people in community settings.
  • Economic Security in Later Life: Valuing the dignity of older people through efforts that ensure and protect their economic security and well-being.
  • Housing: Promoting efforts to make housing more affordable and provide coordinated services that enable older people to live safely in community settings.
  • Social and Intergenerational Connectedness: Strengthening social bonds through efforts that promote meaningful connections, including those that span generations.
  • Organizational Capacity Building: Improve management and governance of
    organizations in Illinois.

Data Integration, Systems, and Quality Technical Assistance (DISQ)[DEADLINE FEBRUARY 18]

Application Due Date: Feb 18, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total funding is $ 920,000.

  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Data Integration, Systems, and Quality
    Technical Assistance (DISQ) is a national training and technical assistance (T/TA)
    program to support RWHAP recipients and subrecipients. It funds activities to increase
    access to high-quality HIV care and support services for low-income people with HIV in
    the United States.
  • This program will improve RWHAP recipients’ and subrecipients’ capacity to meet data-
    related program requirements and help them use data to make their programs more
    efficient and effective. We will award one cooperative agreement to a technical
    assistance provider. This provider will be responsible for on-site and virtual T/TA to
    RWHAP recipients and subrecipients.

Additional Information: Contact with questions.

Advancing Strategies to Deliver and Sustain Evidence-Based Chronic Disease Self-
Management Education Programs to Support [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 19]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: Feb 19, 2025
Agency: Administration for Community Living
Amount: They expect to grant 5 awards up to $1,250,000.
Description: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop and implement multi-faceted strategies that support the delivery and sustainability of evidence-based chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs for older adults (age 60 and older) and individuals with disabilities with one or more behavioral health conditions and older adults and individuals with disabilities with one or more stressors that are negatively impacting their behavioral health through a statewide initiative.

The Administration on Aging (AoA), part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), plans to award 5 cooperative agreements with a three-year project period, subject to availability of funds.

Additional Information: Contact with questions.

Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) to Advance Health Equity and End Health Disparities Among Women and Girls in Racial/Ethnic Minority and Other Underserved Communities (U34 Clinical Trials Required) [DEADLINE FEB 19]

Tag(s): Health Equity

Application Due Date: February 19, 2025

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Up to 3 awards at up to $600K per award.

Description: The purpose of this FOA is to support the planning phase of the Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) to Advance Health Equity and End Health Disparities Among Women and Girls in Racial/Ethnic Minority and Other Underserved Communities. MCCI is a multi-ICO dissemination and implementation science initiative to advance health equity and end health disparities in racial/ethnic minority women and girls of reproductive age. This concept proposes a continuum of care approach that integrates preventive health services, primary care, behavioral health, integrative care, and cardiopulmonary and endocrine specialties to fully address health care needs in each of these domains and to have maximum impact on the overall health and well-being of racial and ethnic minority and other underserved women and girls. Special emphasis will be placed on using stakeholder partnerships, provider training, and infrastructure changes to improve access for subgroups of racial/ethnic minority women and girls who currently have the least access to high-quality health care (e.g., racial/ethnic minority women and girls living in low resource settings).

Applicant information: Contact NIH Grants Information at with questions.

Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Residency Training in Street Medicine **forecasted** [DEADLINE FEB 19]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Feb 19, 2025 (estimated) 

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $9,500,000, they expect to grant 19 awards. 


  • The purpose of the Primary Care Training and Enhancement-Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM) is to increase the number of primary care residents trained in street medicine. Primary care residencies include family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics and combined general internal medicine-general pediatrics (combined med-peds).

Additional Information: Contact Dr. Steven Coulter at 301-443-6752 or with questions.

Delta Health Systems Implementation Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 21]

Tag(s): Workforce, innovation

Application Due Date: Feb 21, 2025

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 2,000,000. They expect to grant 5 awards.
Description: The purpose of the Delta Health Systems Implementation Program (DSIP) is to improve
healthcare delivery in rural areas by implementing projects that will improve the
financial sustainability of hospitals and allow for increased access to care in rural
communities. These projects focus on financial and operational improvement, quality improvement,
telehealth, and workforce development in hospitals located in the rural counties and
parishes of the Delta region.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Suzanne Snyder at (301)443-0178 or with

Maternal and Child Health Secondary Data Analysis Research (MCH SDAR)[DEADLINE FEBRUARY 25]

Application Due Date: Feb 25, 2025

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: 10 estimated awards up to $60,000.


  • The purpose of the SDAR programs is to support research that analyzes existing national data sets or administrative records to answer questions that can improve the health and well-being of MCH populations, including children and adolescents with Autism/DD.
  • The Maternal and Child Health Secondary Data Analysis program supports applied research through analysis of existing databases or administrative records to improve health outcomes, and the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of health care services for maternal and child health populations. This program will fund up to ten 2-year grants.

Additional Information: Contact with questions.

Advancing Strategies to Deliver and Sustain Evidence-Based Chronic Disease Self-
Management Education Programs to Support Older Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions **forecasted** [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 25]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: (estimated) Feb 28, 2025
Agency: Administration for Community Living

Amount: They expect to grant 3 awards up to $2,047,000.
Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to develop and implement multi-faceted strategies that support the delivery and sustainability of evidence-based chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs for older adults with one or more behavioral health conditions.
The two primary goals are:
o Develop capacity to increase the number of older adults with one or more
behavioral health conditions who participate in evidence-based self-
management education and support programs.
o Develop and disseminate resources that will enhance the participation of older
adults with behavioral health conditions in evidence-based self-management
education and support programs.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Laura Plunkett at 202-795-7450 with questions.

Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity (U01
Clinical Trial Optional) [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: Feb 28, 2025
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Amount: Up to $500,000.
Description: The Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity initiative is soliciting applications to support unusually innovative intervention research addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) which, if successful, would have a major impact on preventing, reducing, or eliminating health disparities and advancing health equity.

Projects should clearly demonstrate, based on the strength of the logic, a compelling potential to produce a major impact on advancing NIHs commitment to addressing SDOH to accelerate progress in improving health for all. Preliminary data are not required for this initiative.

Additional Information: Contact with questions.

Rural Business Development Grant Program [Deadline FEBRUARY 28, 2025]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: Feb 28, 2025 Complete applications may be submitted in paper or electronic format and must be received by 4:30 p.m. local time on February 28, 2025, in the USDA Rural Development State Office for the State where the Project will be located. Late submissions will not be considered.

Agency: Department of Agriculture

Amount: There is no maximum grant amount; however, smaller requests are given higher priority. There is no cost sharing requirement. There are two types of RBDG projects, Opportunity grants and Enterprise grants. Opportunity type grants are limited to up to 10 percent of the total Rural Business Development Grant annual funding. Enterprise type grants must be used on projects to benefit small and emerging businesses in rural areas as specified in the grant application. 


  • The purpose of the program is to promote economic development and job creation projects through the awarding of grant funds to eligible entities.
  • Applications will compete in two separate categories, business opportunity grants and business enterprise grants, for use in funding various business and community projects that serve rural areas.

Applicant Eligibility: More information can be found here.

March 2025


Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Stimulant Support **forecasted** [DEADLINE MARCH 19]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: Mar 19, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: They expect to grant 55 awards of $ 500,000
Description: The purpose of this program is to improve access to coordinated and comprehensive prevention, treatment, and recovery services for stimulant use disorder in rural areas. Ultimately, this program aims to reduce the prevalence and impact of stimulant use disorder.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Sarah O’ Donnell at 301-443-0298 or with questions.

Behavioral Health Workforce Development Technical Assistance Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE MARCH 20]

Tag(s): Workforce
Application Due Date: (estimated) Mar 20, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Program funding is $2,500,000, they expect to grant ONE award.
Description: The purpose of the BHWD TA program is to provide tailored technical assistance to current and future HRSA-funded programs authorized by Section 756 of the Public Health Service Act from Fiscal Year 2025 to Fiscal Year 2029, including the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Programs (Pro, Para), and the Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Program.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Crystal Harris at 301-443-6752 with questions.

Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals **forecasted** [DEADLINE MARCH 20]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Mar 20, 2025 (estimated) 

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $10,900,000, they expect to grant 31 awards.


  • The purpose of the BHWET Program for Paraprofessionals is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the supply of students preparing to become peer support specialists and other behavioral health-related paraprofessionals while also improving distribution of a quality behavioral health workforce. 
  • A special focus is placed on the knowledge and understanding of the specific concerns of children, adolescents, and young adults in high need and high demand areas at risk for behavioral health disorders

Additional Information: Contact Nicole Wilkerson at 301-443-6752 or with questions.

April 2025


Advancing Strategies to Support Older Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions in the Senior Nutrition Program Setting **forecasted** [DEADLINE APRIL 01]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: (estimated) Apr 01, 2025
Agency: Administration for Community Living
Amount: They intend to fund 1 program up to $810,438
Description: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support a project for behavioral health-focused innovations in the senior nutrition program setting with intentions to:
1) learn of existing barriers and facilitators to serving seniors living with
behavioral health conditions in the congregate and home delivered setting

2) develop and implement person-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally
appropriate best practices to meet the needs of seniors living with behavioral
health conditions in the senior nutrition setting

3) develop and disseminate resources from tested findings and already existing
practices; all resources must be 508 compliant.

Projects proposed under this grant program must have the potential for broad
implementation throughout the aging services network and have demonstrated value.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Patricia (Patty) Keane at 202-795-7783 with questions.

Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project **forecasted** [DEADLINE APRIL 07]

Tag(s): Workforce
Application Due Date: Apr 07, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 800,000. They expect to grant 1 award.
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide technical assistance to assist small rural hospitals and rural health clinics (RHCs) in strengthening key elements of value-based
care, including, but not limited to quality, efficiency, patient experience, and safety of
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Jeanene Meyers at (301)443-2482 or with

Telehealth Resource Centers Program [DEADLINE APRIL 24]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: (estimated) Apr 24, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Total program funding is $4,550,000, they expect to grant 14 awards.
Description: The purpose of this program is to support 12 Regional Telehealth Resource Centers (RTRCs) and two National Telehealth Resource Centers (NTRCs). The RTRCs will provide expert and customized telehealth technical assistance across the country. The NTRCs will provide telehealth technical assistance by regional Telehealth
Resource Centers with a focus on policy and technology.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Louise Nott at (301)443-0614 or with questions.

May 2025


Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE MAY 13]

Tag(s): Workforce, health equity
Application Due Date: May 13, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 2,000,000. They expect to grant 2 awards.
Description: The purpose of the RMOMS program is to establish or continue collaborative improvement and innovation networks to improve access to and delivery of maternity and obstetrics care in rural areas.
Applicants are encouraged to propose novel ways to achieve program goals through the
establishment or continuation of collaborative improvement and innovation networks.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Carey Zhuang at (301)287-0059 or with

June 2025

Reproductive Health National Training Center [FORECASTED DEADLINE JUNE 03]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: Estimated due date is Jun 03, 2025 no later than 6:00 pm ET.

Agency: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

Amount: They intend to award the project using 2 cooperative agreements (one funded under Title X and one funded under the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program). Together the two
cooperative agreements together will constitute the National Training Center. Up to $3.5 M is available to address Title X key priority areas (CFDA 93.260) and up to $1.5 M is available to
address TPP key priority areas (CFDA 93.297).

Description: We anticipate offering this opportunity in combination with AH-TPS-25-001 to operate a National Training Center that will provide training and technical assistance to all OPA-funded Title X family planning service delivery grantees and all OPA-funded Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program recipients. The goal of the funded training center is to ensure that personnel working on TPP-funded projects have the knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy necessary to effectively run a TPP funded project and delivery high quality, youth and community-driven
programming to make the greatest impact on communities.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Iris Wong at (301) 284-6839 or with questions.

September 2025

State Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program (U60) **forecasted** [DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 30]


Application Due Date: Sep 30, 2025

All applications are due by 5:00 PM local time of applicant

Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – ERA

Amount: 23 estimated awards up to $ 705,000.


  • Through this funding announcement, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and
    Health (NIOSH) seeks to continue and strengthen OSH surveillance programs within
    states and other eligible jurisdictions to provide information that will help drive actions
    to improve the health and safety of workers in the US. This program will build upon
    existing public health practice, capacity, and expertise in OSH surveillance. For states
    and others where OSH surveillance capacity does not currently exist, this program may
    help to develop that capacity.
  •  Funded programs are expected to be resourceful and proactive in identifying and
    accessing data sources for OSH surveillance, which may include adding or developing
    occupation data within public health data systems, creating linkages between data
    sources, or developing new methods for OSH surveillance.
    Additional Information: Contact Eduardo O’Neill, PhD, MS, MPH at 404-718-8844 or with questions.

May 2027


Long-Term Effects of Disasters on Healthcare Systems in Populations with Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) [DEADLINE MAY 7, 2027]

Tag(s): Health equity

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Amount: Award ceiling is $500,000

Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support collaborative research focused on understanding the long-term effects of natural and/or human-made disasters on health care systems serving populations that experience health disparities living in the U.S. and its territories. For the purposes of this NOFO, “disasters” encompass presidentially declared emergencies or major disasters under the Stafford Act, a public health emergency declared by the Secretary of the HHS, or other local, regional, or national disaster(s). Disasters may be natural and/or human made. Natural disasters refer to severe weather or natural events including hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, floods, mudslides, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, snowstorms, wildfires and others., Human-made disasters include incidents involving hazardous materials (e.g., oil and chemical spills/contamination, nuclear contamination), mass violence, terrorism, human-made disruption of the infrastructure (e.g., cyber attacks, interruption of electricity and water supply, transportation or other basic services) and their long-term consequences in the infrastructure (e.g., extended power outages, extended disruptions in the water systems, food supply, communications, transportation and housing).

Applicant Information: LOI is due 30 days prior to application due date.

Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment or Prevention (SBIRT/P) for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) use and misuse in adult populations that experience health disparities (R01, Clinical Trial Required) [DEADLINE May 07, 2027]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: May 07, 2027

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Not listed. 


  • The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) are issuing this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeking applications to test innovative approaches to implementing SBIRT/P for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) use and misuse in adult populations that experience health disparities. 
  • SBIRT/P, (a term used for purposes of this funding announcement), involves screening individuals for risk of ATOD use and misuse, briefly intervening with a conversation about harmful substance use, and referring individuals for treatment or preventive services, as needed. Proposed research should include prospective tests of SBIRT/P and should leverage collaborations with healthcare and community partners. Specific research interests of participating NIH ICOs are detailed within.

Applicant Eligibility: Email with any questions.

January 2028


Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional) [DEADLINE Jan 7]

Tag(s): Innovation, or health equity 

Application Due Date: Jan 07, 2028

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Not listed. 


  • The purpose of this initiative is to advance the science and implementation of innovative multi-level health care research for older adults from populations that experience health disparities. 
  • The initiative will support research designed to (1) gain a better understanding of appropriate screening, diagnostic, and clinical care guidelines in a primary care setting, (2) explore shared decision-making that is needed to enhance care planning and patient agency between clinicians and care teams with the older adult and their caregiver(s), and (3) identify effective strategies for care coordination.

Additional Information: Email with questions. 

November 2029


Research to Advance the Science of Primary Care (R01) [DEADLINE NOV 5, 2029]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: November 05, 2029

Agency: Agency for Health Care Research and Quality

Amount: Award ceiling is $500,000.

Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to build evidence about the characteristics and value of primary care that influence patient outcomes and advance health equity, such as care coordination, continuity of care, and comprehensiveness of care, person-centered, whole healthcare, and trust, and how these can be improved and effectively delivered to strengthen primary healthcare.

Applicant Information: Contact Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Receipt and Referral Officer Email: Please be sure to reference the opportunity number in your email.

Do you know of another funding opportunity to share with ACH members? Let us know!
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