Grant Opportunities

As an exclusive benefit to our members, Advocates for Community Health curates a regularly updated list of active and upcoming funding opportunities.

We encourage you to check this page often to find opportunities for your organization. Postings are organized by application due date.


July 2024


BJA FY24 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) [DEADLINE JULY 17]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: Jul 17, 2024
Agency: Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Amount: $2,000,000
Description: With this solicitation, BJA seeks a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider to help jurisdictions prevent and reduce overdose deaths as part of the Comprehensive Opioid,
Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP). COSSUP provides funding and TTA to state, local, and tribal governments to develop, implement, or expand comprehensive programs in response to the overdose crisis and impacts of illicit opioids, stimulants, or
other substances. This COSSUP Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) TTA Program provides training and
supports collaborations that prevent and reduce overdose deaths. This program helps jurisdictions build and enhance multidisciplinary collaborations, collect and use multisector data, and conduct confidential individual death reviews in order to identify trends, incidents, and gaps in prevention efforts and services to inform innovative, community-specific overdose prevention and intervention strategies.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact the OJP Response Center at grants@ncjrs.go for more information.

National Peer-Run Training and Technical Assistance Center for Addiction Recovery Support [DEADLINE JULY 22]

Tag(s): Health Equity
Application Due Date: Jul 22, 2024
Agency: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Amount: $1,900,000.
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide training and technical assistance (TTA) to domestic public and private non-profit entities that provide or support services intended for people who are experiencing challenges related to a substance use or co-occurring condition.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact David Awadalla, M.S.W., BSHP at with
questions. Eligible applicants are domestic public and private nonprofit entities.

Assessing Use of Health IT by U.S. Physicians Providing Outpatient Care [DEADLINE JULY 22]

Tag(s): Workforce
Application Due Date: Jul 22, 2024

Agency: Office of the National Coordinator
Amount: $425,000.
Description: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is accepting applications for a cooperative agreement to measure the use of health information technology (IT) among office-based physicians. The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to measure U.S. office-based physicians’ use of interoperable health IT, their experience using health IT, and the impact of health IT on the care they deliver. The cooperative agreement is intended to produce detailed data on interoperability and use of health IT by office-based physicians. These data will result in insights on the implementation and
effects of federal health IT policies, allow for identification of disparities in the physicians adopting and using interoperable health IT in terms of the populations they serve or unintended consequences such as increased burden on clinicians resulting from the implementation of health IT, and will inform ONC’s ongoing efforts to achieve better health enabled by data through coordination and regulation. The cooperative agreement recipient is encouraged to make the key findings of the cooperative agreement publicly available via their website; peer-reviewed publications in biomedical journals; presentations at conferences; webinars, or blog posts.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact 1-800-518-4726 with questions.

Applachian Region Healthcare Support Program [DEADLINE JULY 25]

Tag(s): Workforce, innovation
Application Due Date: July 25, 2024
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: $1,500,000
Description: The Appalachian Region Healthcare Support Program provides technical assistance (TA) to help rural healthcare organizations, including critical access hospitals (CAHs), small rural hospitals, rural health clinics, tribal healthcare facilities, and other healthcare organizations located in the rural counties served by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) with planning and implementing health care service improvements. The goal of this program is to strengthen healthcare delivery in rural areas of the Appalachian Region by improving financial and operational performance as well as the quality of care in rural
healthcare organizations.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and
Services Administration at with questions.

Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) [LETTER OF INTEREST DUE JUNE 30; DEADLINE JULY 31]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: July 31, 2024, LOI due 30 days before.
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Amount: Grants up to $1,000,000.
Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research to develop and test community-level interventions to improve minority health and reduce health disparities. This initiative will support research projects to develop and test prospective community-level interventions to improve minority health and decrease health disparities.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact NIH Grants Information at for more information.

Supporting the Mental Health Among the Health Professions Workforce (forecasted opportunity) [DEADLINE JULY 31]

Tag(s): Workforce

Application Due Date: Jul 31, 2024

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: The purpose of the Promote Mental Health Among the Health Professional Workforce (PMHW) program is to support health care entities, including entities that provide health care services, such as hospitals, community health centers, and rural health clinics, or medical professional associations, to promote wellness, resilience, and mental health of the health care professional workforce using established or enhanced evidence-based or evidence-informed programs to transform organizational cultures.

Applicant Information: Contact Cynthia Harne at (301) 443-7661 or with questions.

August 2024

Technology-enabled Collaborative Learning Program [DEADLINE AUGUST 02]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: Aug 02, 2024
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: They expect to grant 8 awards up to $475,000.
Description: The purpose of this program is to improve retention of health care providers and increase access to health care services, such as those to address chronic diseases and
conditions (including Alzheimer’s disease), infectious diseases, mental health and
substance use disorders, prenatal and maternal health, pediatric care, pain
management, palliative care, and other specialty care in rural areas, frontier areas,
health professional shortage areas, or medically underserved areas and for medically
underserved populations or Native Americans.
 Recipients will evaluate, develop, and, as appropriate, expand the use of technology-
enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models. In this NOFO, the term
"technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building model" means a distance health education model that connects health care professionals, and
particularly specialists, with multiple other health care professionals through
simultaneous interactive videoconferencing for the purpose of facilitating case-based
learning, disseminating best practices, and evaluating outcomes.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration staff at with questions.

Delta Region Materal Care Coordination Program [DEADLINE AUGUST 02]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: Aug 02, 2024
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: $450,000
Description: This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Delta Region Maternal Care Coordination Program (Delta MCC). The purpose of this program is to improve and increase access to care for pregnant women and new mothers during and after pregnancy. Applicants are encouraged to propose ways to achieve program goals through the establishment or continuation of collaborative networks/consortiums of providers and services who support pregnant women and new mothers through pregnancy and post-partum. The networks will focus on reducing risk factors for pregnant women during and after pregnancy
through screening and referral to needed services and interventions. HRSA recommends your members consist of a broad array of organizations from both traditional and non-traditional health care entities. Network members may include cross-sector entities such as health care providers, key services for supporting infant and child health, quality program providers, and insurers. See Appendix B for examples of the types of network members.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and
Services Administration at with questions.

New Access Points [DEADLINE AUGUST 15]

Application Due Date: Aug 15, 2024
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $50,000,000, they expect to grant 77 awards.
Description: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for New
Access Points (NAP) funding under the Health Center Program. The purpose of this funding is to support new health center service delivery sites to
expand affordable, accessible, and high-quality primary health care for underserved communities and populations. In this NOFO, such sites are referred to as new access points. Award recipients will use NAP funding to provide primary health care services at one or more new access points.
Applicant Eligibility: contact the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration at for more information.

Broadband Technical Assistance [DEADLINE AUGUST 20]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: Aug 20, 2024
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service
Amount: $1,000,000
Description: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the acceptance of applications for Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. Broadband Technical Assistance provides competitive cooperative agreement funding to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training that promotes the
expansion of broadband. Program funds must be used to support broadband technical assistance activities that promote the expansion of broadband into rural areas.

Applicant Eligibility: All applicants should carefully review and prepare their applications according to instructions in the BTA Application Guide and program resources. This Application Guide and program resources can be found on the BTA website at: Additionally, program requirements can be found in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) available in the Federal Register at

Service Area Competition [DEADLINE AUGUST 27]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: Aug 27, 2024
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 104,700,000
Description: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Ashley Vigil & Julia Tillman at (301)594-4300 or email

September 2024


Research Grants to Rigorously Evaluate Innovative and Promising Strategies to Prevent Firearm- Related Violence and Injuries [DEADLINE SEPT 3]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: (estimated) Sep 03, 2024

Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Amount: They expect to grant 10 awards up to $650,000.

Description: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control (NCIPC, Injury Center) is soliciting investigator-initiated research to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of innovative and promising strategies to prevent all forms of firearm-related violence, injuries, and deaths. Research funded under this announcement will strengthen the evidence base for strategies to keep individuals, families, schools, and communities safe from firearm-related violence, injuries, deaths, and crime.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Mikel Walters at 404-639-0913 or with questions.


Research Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Virtual Resource Centers (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) [DEADLINE SEPT 07]

Tag(s): Health equity

Application Due Date: Sep 07, 2024
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Amount: Grants up to $850,000.
Description: This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) invites applications for Research Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) virtual resource centers. REACH virtual resource centers will foster institutional partnerships and provide resources to support research activities and research training for faculty who work at accredited complementary and integrative health clinical institutions, such as: Schools of acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathy, physical therapy, and music and art therapy. The REACH virtual resource centers will provide a variety of services and resources including, but
not limited to Administrative Support, Research Support, Grantsmanship, Mentoring and Training, and Team Building to support clinician scientists located at complementary and integrative health clinical institutions to form multi and interdisciplinary research teams and pursue externally funded research aligned with NCCIH Strategic Priorities for symptom management.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact NIH Grants Information at for more information.

Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: Sep 20, 2024
Agency: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Amount: $17,000,000
Description: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), through its Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, is soliciting applications for the Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model. This is a voluntary, 10-year service delivery and payment model designed to improve
maternal health care outcomes for people enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

The TMaH Model will test whether targeted technical (TA) assistance, coupled with payment and delivery system reforms, can drive a whole-person care-delivery approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care while reducing Medicaid and CHIP program expenditures. CMS will select up to 15 state Medicaid agencies (SMAs or Recipients) to participate in the TMaH Model. Up to $17 million dollars in Cooperative Agreement funding will be available to
each selected Recipient over the course of the 10-year period of performance for a total of up to $255M investment.

Applicant Eligibility: State Medicaid Agencies (SMAs) for the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands are eligible to apply. Applicants must propose either to implement the Model statewide or to
implement the Model in a sub-state region specified by ZIP codes.

Notice of Intent to Publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity for National Cancer Institute's Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in Cancer Health Disparities and Minority Health (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) - [DEADLINE SEPT 25]

Tag(s): Health Equity 

Application Due Date: (estimated) Sept 25, 2024 

Agency: National Institute of Health

Amount: They expect to grant 4 awards up to $1,600,000.  

Description: The National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to issue the U54 Specialized Programs of Research Excellence in Cancer Health Disparities and Minority Health (CHD-MH SPORE) notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). The program will support a network of multidisciplinary, multi-institutional U54 CHD-MH SPOREs, which are multi-project awards uniquely focused on health disparities and/or minority health translational research for improved prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer in populations who are underserved. U54 CHD-MH SPOREs can investigate more than one cancer type in underserved populations, including groups of highly related cancers (e.g., gastrointestinal or head and neck). The research supported through this program must be translational and must stem from research on human biology, addressing the interplay of various determinants of health with the biology of the disease. U54 CHD-MH SPORE projects must have the goal of reaching a translational human endpoint within the project period of the grant, which may include a clinical trial. 

Applicant Information: This Notice of Intent to Publish is being provided to allow sufficient time for applicants to develop strong applications. The NOFO is expected to be published in late winter 2024 with only one expected application due date in late September 2024. 

October 2024


Exploratory/Developmental Research for World Trade Center Health Program Evidence-based Strategies to Improve Treatment Effectiveness, Diagnostic Practices, and Program Evaluation (R21) [DEADLINE OCT 29]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: October 29, 2024

Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – ERA

Amount: The estimated total program funding is $4,000,000, and they expect to grant 8 awards.

Description: This WTC Health Program R21 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is intended to encourage exploratory/developmental research by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of project development, which assess the feasibility of new areas of investigation with the potential to enhance treatment effectiveness and diagnostic practices. These studies may lead to breakthroughs in a particular area or to the development of new interventions, techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or approaches with major clinical impacts. These studies are expected to break new ground or extend prior discoveries toward new directions or uses. Applicants are expected to propose research for which there is likely to be minimal or no preliminary data. The WTC Health Program Research webpage provides comprehensive information and tools for researchers. The research agenda, publication library, and other resources, including the Funding Dashboard, can also be found there (e.g., awarded project details such as publications, topics, populations, funding awarded, and the principal investigators and their institutions).

Applicant Information: Contact James Yiin, PhD at 513-841-4271 or with questions.

November 2024


Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for The Road to Prevention of Stillbirth [DEADLINE NOV 1]

Tag(s): Innovation, Health Equity

Application Due Date: November 1, 2024 (estimated)

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Not listed yet.

Description: The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development intends to publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to invite applications for a Data Coordinating Center to support the work of the research projects funded under the Stillbirth Research Consortium described in the companion announcement NOT-HD-24-009. This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants additional time to develop meaningful collaborations, interdisciplinary teams, and prepare responsive applications.

Applicant Information: The NOFO is expected to be published in Summer 2024 with an expected application due date in Fall 2024. This NOFO will utilize the UM2 activity code.

January 2025

Connecting Organizations and People to Empower Diabetes Prevention and Treatment (Connections) **Forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 06]

Tag(s): Innovation
Application Due Date: estimated due date is Jan 06, 2025
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – ERA
Amount: $ 350,000
Description: The purpose of this NOFO is to support evaluation of the effectiveness of existing Clinical Community Linkage (CCL) and social connectedness programs to reduce disparities in diabetes risk factors, incidence, or complications. Additionally, research supported by this NOFO will assess how various mechanisms (e.g., improving specific social or environmental conditions, mental health, or self-efficacy) will impact
diabetes outcomes.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Dr. Celeste Sanders at 770-488-2536 or with

State Rural Health Coordination and Development Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE JANUARY 24]

Tag(s): Workforce, Innovation
Application Due Date: Jan 24, 2025

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 750,000. They expect to grant 1 award.
Description: The purpose of this program is to develop and maintain activities that will build the capacity of the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and rural stakeholders
nationwide through strengthening leadership, increasing opportunities for
collaboration, offering education on policy and emerging health issues, and supporting
the core functions of the SORH to better coordinate and improve rural health services.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Sarah Ndiang’ui at (301)443-0876 or with

February 2025


Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) to Advance Health Equity and End Health Disparities Among Women and Girls in Racial/Ethnic Minority and Other Underserved Communities (U34 Clinical Trials Required) [DEADLINE FEB 19]

Tag(s): Health Equity

Application Due Date: February 19, 2025

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Amount: Up to 3 awards at up to $600K per award.

Description: The purpose of this FOA is to support the planning phase of the Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) to Advance Health Equity and End Health Disparities Among Women and Girls in Racial/Ethnic Minority and Other Underserved Communities. MCCI is a multi-ICO dissemination and implementation science initiative to advance health equity and end health disparities in racial/ethnic minority women and girls of reproductive age. This concept proposes a continuum of care approach that integrates preventive health services, primary care, behavioral health, integrative care, and cardiopulmonary and endocrine specialties to fully address health care needs in each of these domains and to have maximum impact on the overall health and well-being of racial and ethnic minority and other underserved women and girls. Special emphasis will be placed on using stakeholder partnerships, provider training, and infrastructure changes to improve access for subgroups of racial/ethnic minority women and girls who currently have the least access to high-quality health care (e.g., racial/ethnic minority women and girls living in low resource settings).

Applicant information: Contact NIH Grants Information at with questions.

Delta Health Systems Implementation Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 21]

Tag(s): Workforce, innovation

Application Due Date: Feb 21, 2025

Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration

Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 2,000,000. They expect to grant 5 awards.
Description: The purpose of the Delta Health Systems Implementation Program (DSIP) is to improve
healthcare delivery in rural areas by implementing projects that will improve the
financial sustainability of hospitals and allow for increased access to care in rural
communities. These projects focus on financial and operational improvement, quality improvement,
telehealth, and workforce development in hospitals located in the rural counties and
parishes of the Delta region.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Suzanne Snyder at (301)443-0178 or with

March 2025


Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Stimulant Support **forecasted** [DEADLINE MARCH 19]

Tag(s): Health equity
Application Due Date: Mar 19, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: They expect to grant 55 awards of $ 500,000
Description: The purpose of this program is to improve access to coordinated and comprehensive prevention, treatment, and recovery services for stimulant use disorder in rural areas. Ultimately, this program aims to reduce the prevalence and impact of stimulant use disorder.
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Sarah O’ Donnell at 301-443-0298 or with questions.

April 2025


Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project **forecasted** [DEADLINE APRIL 07]

Tag(s): Workforce
Application Due Date: Apr 07, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 800,000. They expect to grant 1 award.
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide technical assistance to assist small rural hospitals and rural health clinics (RHCs) in strengthening key elements of value-based
care, including, but not limited to quality, efficiency, patient experience, and safety of
Applicant Eligibility: Contact Jeanene Meyers at (301)443-2482 or with

May 2025


Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program **forecasted** [DEADLINE MAY 13]

Tag(s): Workforce, health equity
Application Due Date: May 13, 2025
Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Amount: Estimated total program funding is $ 2,000,000. They expect to grant 2 awards.
Description: The purpose of the RMOMS program is to establish or continue collaborative improvement and innovation networks to improve access to and delivery of maternity and obstetrics care in rural areas.
Applicants are encouraged to propose novel ways to achieve program goals through the
establishment or continuation of collaborative improvement and innovation networks.

Applicant Eligibility: Contact Carey Zhuang at (301)287-0059 or with

May 2027


Long-Term Effects of Disasters on Healthcare Systems in Populations with Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) [DEADLINE MAY 7, 2027]

Tag(s): Health equity

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Amount: Award ceiling is $500,000

Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support collaborative research focused on understanding the long-term effects of natural and/or human-made disasters on health care systems serving populations that experience health disparities living in the U.S. and its territories. For the purposes of this NOFO, “disasters” encompass presidentially declared emergencies or major disasters under the Stafford Act, a public health emergency declared by the Secretary of the HHS, or other local, regional, or national disaster(s). Disasters may be natural and/or human made. Natural disasters refer to severe weather or natural events including hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, floods, mudslides, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, snowstorms, wildfires and others., Human-made disasters include incidents involving hazardous materials (e.g., oil and chemical spills/contamination, nuclear contamination), mass violence, terrorism, human-made disruption of the infrastructure (e.g., cyber attacks, interruption of electricity and water supply, transportation or other basic services) and their long-term consequences in the infrastructure (e.g., extended power outages, extended disruptions in the water systems, food supply, communications, transportation and housing).

Applicant Information: LOI is due 30 days prior to application due date.

November 2029


Research to Advance the Science of Primary Care (R01) [DEADLINE NOV 5, 2029]

Tag(s): Innovation

Application Due Date: November 05, 2029

Agency: Agency for Health Care Research and Quality

Amount: Award ceiling is $500,000.

Description: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to build evidence about the characteristics and value of primary care that influence patient outcomes and advance health equity, such as care coordination, continuity of care, and comprehensiveness of care, person-centered, whole healthcare, and trust, and how these can be improved and effectively delivered to strengthen primary healthcare.

Applicant Information: Contact Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Receipt and Referral Officer Email: Please be sure to reference the opportunity number in your email.

Do you know of another funding opportunity to share with ACH members? Let us know!
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